Adult Foster Care Policies and Procedures 660-05
Definitions 660-05-05
(Revised 1/1/20 ML 3572)
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- Abuse
means the willful act or omission of a caregiver or any other person that
results in physical injury, mental anguish, unreasonable confinement,
sexual abuse or exploitation, to or of a resident.
- Agency
means an organization which monitors the facility.
- Applicant
means the individual or individuals completing and submitting to the Department
an application to be licensed to provide care.
- Care
means foster care for adults as defined by N.D.C.C. Section 50-11-00.1
(5) and includes the provision of personal non-medical service provided
to assist a resident with tasks of a personal nature that are performed daily and which involve such activities as bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring from bed or chair, continence, eating or feeding, and mobility inside the facility.
- Caregiver
means a qualified individual who provides care to an adult residing in
an Adult Foster Facility.
- Department
means the North Dakota Department of Human Services.
- Exploitation
means the act or process of a provider using the income, assets, or person of a resident for monetary or personal benefit, profit, gain, entertainment, or gratification.
- Adult
Foster Care (AFC) means the provision of food, shelter,
security and safety, guidance, and comfort on a twenty-four-hour per day
basis, in the home of the caregiver, to a person age eighteen or older,
who is unable, neglects, or refuses to provide for the person's own care.
- Facility means a foster care home for adults.
- Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Adult Foster Care (AFC) setting experience interview means an instrument used to record information about a resident’s experiences in the facility.
- Legal
Representative means someone who has been given power by law to
represent another person.
- License
means a document issued by the Department
authorizing an applicant to operate a facility.
- Licensed
Capacity means maximum number of residents for which the
Foster Home for Adults is licensed.
- Mental
Anguish means psychological or emotional damage that requires medical
treatment or medical care, or is characterized by behavioral changes, or physical symptoms.
- Monitoring
means overseeing the care provided to a resident by a provider and verifying
compliance with laws, rules, and standards pertaining to Adult
Foster care and resident's rights related to the facility.
- Neglect
means the failure of the provider to provide the goods or services necessary
to avoid physical harm, mental anguish, or mental illness.
- Person-centered service plan means a plan that describes recipient resident’s assessed needs, outcomes, and goals and how the services and natural supports provided will assist the resident in achieving their outcomes and live safely and successfully in the community.
- Physical
Injury means damage to bodily tissue caused by nondramatic conduct,
which includes fractures, bruises, lacerations, internal injuries, dislocations,
physical pain, illness, or impairment of physical function.
- Provider
means the primary caregiver in active charge of an Adult Foster Facility who has documented qualifications in providing care and is enrolled as a qualified service provider.
- Qualified
Service Provider (QSP) means an individual who has met all standards
and requirements for that status established under Chapter 75-03-23.
- Related
by Blood or Marriage includes the spouse or one of the following
relatives: parent, grandparent, child, adult sibling, aunt, uncle, adult
niece, or adult nephew.
- Resident
means any adult who is receiving care, in an Adult Foster Facility for Adults for compensation on a 24-hour basis, but does not
mean any other individual who lives or stays in the facility.
- Respite
Care means care provided by a respite care provider or a substitute caregiver to an adult foster care resident for the purposes of providing temporary relief
to the provider from the stresses and demands associated with daily care
or emergencies.
- Respite
Care Provider means an individual enrolled as a qualified service
provider who provides respite care to residents, whose care is funded
by the county or state, in the absence of the provider.
- Sexual
Abuse means conduct directed against a resident which constitutes
any of those sex offenses defined in North Dakota Century Code. Sections 12.1-20-02, 12.1-20-03,
12.1-20-03.1, 12.1-20-04, 12.1-20-05, 12.1-20-06, 12-20-06.1, 12.1-20-07, 12.1-20-11, 12.1-20-12.1 and 12.1-20-12.2 and North Dakota Century Code Chapter 12.1-41.
- Substitute
Caregiver means an individual who meets qualified service provider
standards and provides respite care to private pay residents in the absence
of the provider.